Ter kennismaking
Ter kennismaking
Voor de bezoekers van de expositie "Levensloop"

To get acquainted
For the visitors of the exhibition "Life course"
An impression of the exhibition at PCB Uitvaartwinkel, Uilepad 1, Bilthoven
This exhibition shows a number of works that I sometimes call "mystifying paintings" for convenience.
The topics have been chosen in response to experiences that I have had. It is also my impression of passages from life stories. When I started painting, I also got the idea that the stories that I put in the center could give recognition to others. And the understanding and insight that I experience in the story of another, if the painting is about it, can also contribute to the understanding of people who see my painting. I would like the personal story to carry the recognition for others as well.
Consider, for example, refugee problems, the development of your child, the struggles in becoming adult.
But also the glory moments. Current themes are also addressed in my work such as the life of a transgender, as my daughter is an example for me, grown up as a boy, struggling to be known as a young man, then ended up in a low point in life, because of the tension, with expectations of "the environment", but to my feeling, arose from this struggle, as a Phoenix from the ashes. Phoenix is also a symbol for female energy.
I myself am also a mother, I had fantasy how life would be later, and now my three children each develop a very unique path, each with its own life course. I think it's beautiful because "out" to paint and hope that I can speak to and encourage other parents, because not every life course is easy.
When I was asked to exhibit at PCB, I saw it as a challenge to choose suitable works for it. And I realize that often in the process of a funeral, someone's life course is mentioned. Relatives reflect on the life of the beloved who left behind this earthly existence. At the same time, my paintings appeal to the people who are now in full swing, to feel the deeper meaning of seemingly everyday images. Think of the image of the woman in the train. Life is also traveling, that's how I have dreamed myself. Every life, every journey is different. Also how you travel is different. Sometimes you stop in a train, on the way to an important event, and still full of experience of the process before.
I would like to explain the paintings on this exhibition to a lecture on 2 October. And then I am also curious about the response and thoughts and experiences of visitors to the paintings.
It has already happened that one of these paintings has been nourished and influenced in the processing by the story that a writer received from one photo that I made somewhere along the way. She asked me if I was going to paint that picture. I usually do not do that that way, but the fact that it inspired her to create a story inspired me to the painting "where to go". (see: https://schilderijenenverhalen.wordpress.com/verhalen/avondpaginas/)
During the exhibition I write a bit of time for a piece that is to be found in the exhibition on a blog that I have been tracking for a number of years. I do not like to explain a painting if someone asks me to "explain" it. I prefer that a painting speaks for itself, and appeals to everyone and has the resonance. That can be something else than what I put in the picture myself. But, I like to talk about my experiences, and what prompted me to make a painting for people who are really curious. And they want to experience what feeling is incorporated in the painting and what is brought about.
Camphuijsen Art's Atelier
I do not only make "profound" paintings as can be seen at this exhibition. I always make paintings where I have a personal experience. That can be a feeling of beauty, or wonder, or gratitude.
Some paintings simply make me happy, or for me I retain an important quality that I find necessary in my life. In a painting, I can already get back in that painting, in that feeling. And a spectator can reflect on it, rinse it.
An overview of my work can also be seen at the Diakonessenhuis in Zeist, where there are many paintings inspired by nature. And it is a selection from my collection, paintings that often fit into a specific theme. There are also portraits to be seen, where I was completely free to paint them as I liked. After all, portraits on assignment are no longer in my possession and have been realized in consultation with the commissioners. That can be someone's children, or a dear family member, sometimes because it is deceased and in this way a nice memory remains for the next of kin.
I mainly work with oil paint, but I have experience with multiple mediums.
Follow my blog at www.camphuijsen-art.nl
And for people who use social media, I can be found on: https://www.facebook.com/camphuijsenartsite